Konzert Afrikanische Weltmusik: Adjiri Odametey
Konzert Afrikanische Weltmusik Adjiri Odametey
„Adjiri Odametey is a multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter from Ghana. His music bridges the gap to Africa for European listeners. Adjiri Odametey’s artistic roots lie in the traditions of his homeland Ghana. Born and raised in the capital city Accra, he performed in such renowned groups as the Pan African Orchestra or the Ghana Dance Ballet. He has toured in Japan, Russia and Alaska .
“Out of this world – Adjiri Odametey enchants with expressive music,” writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany. His concerts excite both aficionados of softer pieces as well as percussion fans. His concert music appeals to a broad audience: from world-music fans to those interested in jazz to followers of classical music.“